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平和祈願像 Statue of Prayer For Peace 終戦記念日8月15日早朝 父の介護の合間 金華山山麓の鬱蒼とした市中の公園に入って行くと この平和祈願像を見つけました 75年前人々は米軍の空襲に市中を彷徨い山中に逃れました 朝からうだる様な暑さが続く夏の日に 闘いが一刻も早く終わり平和が来ることを希求した姿がこの像です 

On the anniversary of the day WWII ended, Aug 15, I walked the mountain early morning having a break from taking care of my father. I found this statue standing in the quiet, cool woods. 75 years ago, on 1945 boiling summer, people were trying to escape from US air raids over the city and evacuated to this shaded area. This statue represents for the people's prayer for an end the fighting, and hoping for peace.

45年後、日本やアジアを空から海から攻めていた一米兵士の息子は反戦を唱えて1人の日本女性と出会い結婚し 日米の文化をになった息子と娘をもうけました その子供たちも親の平和への強い願いを受け継ぎ 公正で平和な世界を望んで育ちました
その 一方 1945年当時 空襲から逃げ惑ってた少年はやがて歳を重ね老いておじいちゃんになりました 第二次大戦当時 日本攻撃に参加しただろう米国兵士の息子である婿と孫とは言葉が片言しか通じないにも関わらず 愛おしく可愛くてしようがないようです。しかしこの世で生身で会える時間には限りがあります 孫たちは何とかして 世界中で猛威をふるっているコロナ禍の中 余生あまりない祖父母に一時でも寄り添いたいと帰国してきます 平和を祈りあらゆる暴力 新型ウィルスの恐怖から自由で安全で平和な世界を願って

45 years later, a US soldier’s son who protested against war and involved in the peace movement, met a Japanese woman and married. Despite his father’s participation of attacking Japan, Korean and Vietnam, and having grown up in a military town, the two married and started a family. They had two bicultural (American/ Japanese) children and raised them with strong hope for world peace. The children grew up in the antiwar and anti-injustice 
Meanwhile, the Japanese boy who had fearfully escaped from US air raids, aged and became a grandfather. He loved his enemy’s, the US soldier’s, son and grandchildren, he misses them. Although the grandparents could not communicate in language with his son-in-laws & grandchildren, they always understand each other. There is not much time left for the grandparents, in this realm, to share their moment together in their physical body. Despite this fact, the grandchildren are in the challenge of world pandemic, they are trying to navigate all kinds of borders to see their grandparents with hope and prayers for a world free from violence.
国を超え境を越え すべての人々が公平に安全に暮らせる平和な世界が来ますよう祈ります May we have peace and justice and border-less world.

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